Our Mechanical Workshop

Year 1968, the brother Giuseppe and Giovanni Rodenghi founded a small engineering company.

Today, over 40 years later, the RODENGHI F.LLI S.r.l. is a company established and recognized in national and international by leading representatives of the sectors hydraulics, pneumatics, machine-building automation and presses.

Thanks to the skill with wich we perform all our work in fact; we able to offer a wide range of finishes and opportunities, ranging from the simple repair of demaged parts to the complete supply of columns or cyilinders for assembly.

EXTERNAL POLISHING fino a diametro 450mm e 10000mm in lunghezza
INTERNAL LAPPING fino a diametro 1000mm e 3000mm in lunghezza
EXTERNAL GRINDING fino a diamtro 1000mm e 10.000mm in lunghezza su bombato e convesso
La Rodenghi F.lli S.r.l., certified ISO 9001 has long been the mention of supplier of the year thanks to the efficiency and the high quality provided.

Rodenghi Giuseppe

Rodenghi Giuseppe

Socio Fondatore
Rodenghi Giovanni

Rodenghi Giovanni

Socio Fondatore
Rodenghi Marco

Rodenghi Marco

Direzione Officina
Rodenghi Manuela e Patrizia

Rodenghi Manuela e Patrizia


